Friday, April 26, 2013

Foreigners React

This blog post is dedicated to the weird things foreigners living in Beijing say to Kendra and me.


F: How do you get into the city?
M: We take a bus or the metro.
F: REALLY!? Wow! You guys are so brave! That is so cool!

F: You've taken a sleeper train? Oh, you are so brave.

M: We just had lunch in a little Chinese restaurant.
F: Are you sick?

F: Are you eating street food? That's brave.

I live in the most Westernized area in all of Beijing. I am very blessed to be in the situation I am in and I really enjoy it! However, I miss real China. We live in Shunyi district which is in the Northeastern part of Beijing near the international airport. This is where all the foreign expatriates come and live so natually, it's filled with import stores and western restaurants like Mrs. Fields, Subway, Dominos, etc.

F: I don't live in China. I live in Shunyi.

I miss real China.

Roundabout does book fairs every so often to raise money for kids and their families that need help paying hospital bills. We went to help set it up. There wasn't room in the van so they asked if we'd be okay to sit in the truck with the drivers bringing the books.

F: If you don't mind going on an adventure, you can go in the trucks with the books.
M: That's fine. (Picturing us in the back of the truck in the dark)
F: Are you sure?
M: Yes, absolutely.


The trucks come and we sit in front with the truck driver. Our Chinese friend and coworker, Lily says,

L: Are you okay?
M: Yes.
L: Okay? You'll have to tell me how you feel after.Are you sure you're okay?

By the way, in 3 weeks, I'll be leaving Beijing to renew my visa and go to NANJING! WOOHOO! I'll miss Beijing though (No really, I will!) and the friends I've made. It's been an adventure.

I love China.

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